4ESO Física i Química , ARTICLE 61 : Tasks to do on guard class. (FEINA PER A LA GUARDIA DEL DIMECRES DIA 21-9-16).

- Here you have tasks to do on guard on wednesday 21-9-16. (Aquí teniu la feina per a fer a la guardia de demà dimecres 21-9-16)
* TASK 1 : Finish your homework from the last class in case you have not finished yet.
* TASK 2 : Read the page 147 of your textbook and make later the exercice 1 and 2 from this page. (In order to this page read the article 58 of the bloc too).
* TASK 3 : Begin to do all the exercises of page 154 of your textbook, if you cannot finish them on guard class you will have to come them to an end at homework.
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