EASYFISQUIM , ESO i Batxillerat.

4ESO Física i Química : ARTICLE 101 : MRU experimental activities.

4ESO Física i Química : ARTICLE 101 : MRU experimental activities.

 - We’ll try to do the following tests in order to check the MRU theory :

  Experiment 0  (It will be explained by your teacher but you have here a brief recap) :
                           We'll go to the top of the highschool at the walkwaytower and we'll note
                           the trajectory followed by one mobil going over the highway that can
                           be seen from our place. We'll mesure the time needed by one of the
                           vehicle to going over the distance teacher will tell you and later you will
                           have to work out the velocity of the vehicle.

  Experiment 1.

  Experiment 2.

  Experiment 3.

  Experiment 4. (optional).

  - Here you have a nice video in which you can watch how the mru main laws are really checked.

    MRU experimentally checked.

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