7th GRADE SCIENCE : Article 37 : Putting atoms together to get molecules. Understanding chemical reactions.

( 2/26/18 Monday )
* Activity 3.23 : Chemistry test and building molecules.
3.23.a First of all we do this test about the contents studied the last weeks.
( 10 points ).
3.23.b Choose one of the molecules shown at the whiteboard and using
the colored papers given build it and paste it at the background.
( 10 points ).
( 2/27/18 Tuesday )
* Activity 3.24 : Chemical reaction and rearrangement of atoms.
3.24.a Check the following poster shown in class and make the same with
the materials given in order to show how atoms rearrange when
are involved in a chemical reaction.
( 10 points ).
( 2/28/18 Wednesday )
* Activity 3.25 : Reviewing Lavoisier´s law and atoms´s features at the periodic table.
3.25.a Answer the questions and resolve the activities given at the papers
given to you :
( 10 points ).
3.25.b Read the following text about food and chemistry and when finish
reading it, read it at least 3 times please, answer the suggested
questions and write a proper and nice summary :
( 10 points ).
( 3/1/18 Thursday )
* Activity 3.26 : Energy within chemical reactions and ATOMS´size.
3.26.a Look at the suggested activities at the following two papers given
and answer the questions and use the new vocabulary properly.
( 10 points ).
3.26.b At the back of the given paper you can check atoms´size and how they
change in size when you go both along and up and down from the
periodic table of elements. Check this information then, and do the
suggested activities and answer the questions :
( 10 points ).
( 3/2/18 Friday )
* Activity 3.27 : Activities to review vocabulary about atoms, reactions and energy
in chemical reactions.
( 10 points ).
( 10 points ).
3.27.c Reading about energy, matter and reactions.
( 10 points ).
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