7th GRADE SCIENCE : Article 47 : Cell's structures and organelles.

KPREP WEEK TEST from 5-14-18 Monday to 5-17-18 Thursday.
( KPREP working periods assignments )
* Activity 4.24a : Main information about Cell Wall and Cell Membrane, differences
and importance.
4.24.a Write or copy on a piece of paper the following main information and
contents about cell wall and cell membrane and its usefulness :
* Activity 4.24b : Cell's structure, check the information provided at the video and
make your drawing indicating the most important organelles :
4.24.b Cell's structure video :
* Activity 4.24c : Cell reproduction. Watch the following videos about the different
phases within cell reproduction and write a summarize :
4.24.c Cell reproduction phases :
( 5/21/18 Monday )
* Activity 4.25 : Specifying cells structures and its functions.
4.25.a Cells structures. Check the images and pics given and fill out the table
( 10 points ).
4.25.b Match the main cell concepts at the pages front with the proper
descriptions at the back :
4.25.c Use the following pages from the science book provided by your
and look up and for the proper answer to the 3 suggested
questions (on
right side at the middle of the page 1 ) about cell and
main cells
structures and organelles
( 5/15/18 Tuesday )
* Activity 4.25 : Under construction.
4.25.a Under construction :
( 10 points ).