7th GRADE SCIENCE : Article 44 : Carbon, nitrogen and water cycles in ecosystems.

( 4/23/18 Monday )
* Activity 4.9 : Water cycle review and carbon and nitrogen cycles introduction.
4.9.a Warm up activity about reviewing water cycle :
( 10 points ).
( 10 points ).
( 4/24/18 Tuesday )
* Activity 4.10 : Nitrogen cycle and features, and also carbon and oxygen cycles.
4.10.a Fill out this reviewing water cycle outline and do the little
multiple choice test at the back :
( 10 points ).
4.10.b Fill out the texts gaps with the given words about nitrogen and
oxygen and carbon cycles :
( 10 points ).
- Special Reading for today , Earth day : Earth day reading.
( 10 points ).
( 4/25/18 Wednesday )
* Activity 4.11 : Nitrogen, carbon and oxygen compunds importance in ecosystems.
4.11.a Copy the following text about reviewing carbon and oxygen cycles :
( 20 points ).
( 4/26/18 Thursday )
* Activity 4.12 : Food and proteins, nitrogen compunds.
( 10 points ).
( 4/27/18 Friday )
* Activity 4.13 : Showing trophic levels and levels of organization, and also energy
flowing in ecosystems.
4.13.a At the following link you can check and review the trophic levels and
primary, secondary, tertiary consumers, etc.
Match the labels and trophic levels with the proper place at the
drawing :
( 10 points ).
4.13.b At the following link you can check the different levels of organization
within an ecosystem. Use this information to match the proper
description with each gap at the drawing outline :
( 10 points ).
4.13.c Drawing to copy about ecosystem reviewing :
( 10 points ).
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