7th GRADE SCIENCE : Article 15 : Force's units and measuraments.

Forces and measuraments.
* Activity 1.13 : Forces units and measuraments. ( 9/18/17 Monday )
MALIEKS WORK ( Click here and download a pdf with your work for today Monday ).
You already know that forces are measured in NEWTONS. But today we are using the appropriate device to measure forces, like weight, using the DYNAMOMETER. It is like a spring with a scale given in newtons in which we can measure different objects weights. The more the object weights the more the spring inside stretches and more newtons are given onto the scale.
1.13.a.1 Data table for dynamometers. ( 10 points ).
Students use different kinds of dynamometers to weight several different amount of objects with different weights. They have dynamometers in grams, in newtons and in kilograms at their reach. Once they weight the same objects as much in grams as in newtons they take notes about them at the paper given. They get used to read the different scales dynamometers show.
Dynamometers outline using rule, bag, etc.
Materials used in the experience.
( 9/19/17 Tuesday )
* Activity 1.13.a.2 to 1.13.a.4 : Dynamometer definition. Calculations. ( 5 points ).
MALIEKS WORK ( Click here and download a pdf with your work for today Tuesday ).
( Maliek, whatch the video in 1.13.a.3 and do the summarize or outline about it. Do nothing else ).
1.13.a.2 Dynamometer marbles weight. ( 5 points ).
( 9/20/17 Wednesday )
MALIEKS WORK (Click here and download a pdf with your work for today Wednesday ).
Please Maliek, read the pdf with the text about Hookes law and do a little summarize of it at your workbook. After that look up for information about who Robert Hooke was and did because he is the scientist who did the Hookes law in 1660.
+ INFORMATION ABOUT HOOKES LAW AND DYNAMOMETERS : Copy the following information about Hookes law given in PICTURE 1 at your workbook :
1.13.a.4 WHAT A DYNAMOMETER IS. ( 5 points ).
1.15 We work today in the computer room 217.
Follow the instructions given by your teacher in order to do your work at the computer. ( 20 points ).
* First of all copy the following learning targets at your workbook in order to understand what you are going to learn today in class :
* Consult the following links in order to answer the following QUESTIONS :
LINK 4 ( Nice Hookes law simulator, try it!! )
( At this simulator you can try with different values of the spring constant K in order to make the spring thicker or thinner and make it stronger or weaker and check how much it stretches when a force is applied ).
- If you have enough more time do a powerpoint presentation telling about Hookes Law, what it is, what it represents, what it talks about springs, about the Hookes law graph, and talking something about who Robert Hooke was. A general presentation about the Hookes law issue.
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