7th GRADE SCIENCE : Article 34 : Elements and atoms from periodic table of elements.

( 1/29/18 Monday )
* Activity 3.5 : Periodic table of chemical elements and atoms.
3.5.a Checking elements from periodic table of elements :
a) Open a google docs and name the following elements symbols :
V , Cr , O , K , Na , Fe , Ti , Si , P , S , H , Be , Cl , F , He , Li , Au , Hg ,
B , Al , Ag , Tl and As
b) Name the elements put together within the following molecules and chemical compounds :
NH3 , H2O , SO2 , PH3 , H2SO4 , O2 , C2H2 , CH4
( 10 points ).
( 1/30/18 Tuesday )
* Activity 3.6 : Periodic table of chemical elements properties.
3.6.a Look up this LINKS about how atoms size changes within the periodic
table of elements : LINK1 LINK2 ATOMS SIZES
a) Open a google docs and explain how atoms size changes within the
periodic table of elements :
b) At the same google docs file say where are the biggest atoms
at the periodic table of elements located and where are the smallest.
Tell, at least, 3 of the biggest atoms and 3 of the smallest atoms
at the periodic table of elements.
( 10 points ).
3.6.b Checking ATOMS SIZE from periodic table of elements:
a) Open a google docs and order the following elements in order from
biggest to smallest :
F, Br, At, I , Cl
Rb, Ce, H , Na, Li, K , Fr
Mg, Si, P ,Na, Cl, Ar, Al, S
b) Check the following compounds and say which atoms within the
molecule are bigger or smaller :
NH3 , H2O , SO2 , PH3 , H2SO4 , O2 , C2H2 , CH4
( 10 points ).
( 1/31/18 Wednesday )
* Activity 3.7 : Single atoms agains molecules.
google docs file.
Look up the EXAMPLE GIVEN in order to see how to do it.
-When drawing molecules,
check this link to use proper size for each atom
- Evaluation :
When finished, check the given links in order to see if you did it right
and if you drew the molecules with proper atoms sizes and geometry.
LINK 1 TO CHECK ( Go to the launch activity at the bottom ).
LINK 2 TO CHECK if you drew them in the right way.
Once you finish the 3.7.a activity send me your google docs file ( 10 points ).
( 2/1/18 Thursday )
* Activity 3.8 : Organizing atoms within molecules.
3.8.a a) Look at these 6 molecules and their main features :
Then, open a google docs and create a table like this to indicate :
-How many atoms each molecule has.
-How many atoms of each kind are within the molecule.
-The names of each different atom within the molecule.
-Which is the biggest and the smallest atom within the molecule.
-Tell 3 main features about each molecule.
( If needed, you can check here atoms sizes ).
( If needed, you can check here atoms names ).
Once you finish the 3.7.b activity send me your google docs file ( 10 points ).
3.8.b Faster finishers :
Extra work in case you finished activities 3.7.a and 3.7.b.
Check this LINK and summarize, using a google docs file, the main
differences between water molecule H2O and peroxide water
molecule H2O2.
- Why do you think then H2O2 is more powerful when cleaning and
treating wounds than only water H2O ?
Once you finish the 3.7.c activity send me your google docs file ( 10 points ).
( 2/2/18 Friday )
* Activity 3.9 : TCT activity (2) and Periodic table of chemical elements properties.
M and Ms solving rate.
3.9.a Follow the instructions given by your teacher in order to check
m and ms solving rate in both cold and hot water. When the
experience is finished please fill out the paper given and answer the
questions suggested in Part A and B from the whiteboard :
m & ms experience picture.
( 10 points ).
3.9.b Answer these questions about the periodic table of elements :
a) What is the periodic table of elements?
b) Who did the periodic table of elements?
c) Why and what is the periodic table of elements useful for?
( 10 points ).
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