4ESO FQ English 2018-2019. Unit 1 MOTION. Article 3.

UNIT 1 : MOTION ( Lesson 3)
SECTION 3 , LESSON 1 ( Gravity and free falling motion).
( Free falling object motion or dropping motion , circular motion).
- First of all lets watch a video about what free fall vertical motion is.
*After watching that video, what do you think are the most important issues
we have to have on account when approaching and facing a free fall motion
exercise or situation?.
+Next youll find the chart filled in, to check it and correct your answers and
the way to fill it out. It Will be posted once we achieve yet the activity in class.
- Link 1: Free falling motion introduction website. Motions details and gravity.
- Link 2: Read here what GRAVITY is and what gravitys acceleration is.
- Link 3: This website has really remarkable information, solved exercises,
diagrams and graphs to learn more about gravity and free fall.
- Lets watch this video about how to solve a one dimensión MRUA free fall motion
( upwards thrown object motion ) exercise and after watching it
were gonna work it out again by ourselves.
This would be the wording about the problem this teacher is figuring out :
A kid is placed 20m high from the ground and throws an object upwards with a
velocity of 15m/s. Find out the time the object takes to fall and hit the ground
and the final velocity it takes just before hitting the ground.
- Lets just do the same exersice as the previous one above but this time the kid
is throwing the object from the same high at the same speed but to the down
direction, to hit the ground directly. Watch the video now in class or at home
(follow your teachers directions) and we do it later on the board.
- Pic Activity : Check this pic your teachers taken showing the equations
between MRUA (uarm) and free falling motion. Write on your
notebook what they both have in common and why they have
something different. Youll need to read the links 1, 2 and 3 from
above of this lesson to know well what free falling motion is
You can also get some HELP from this page from your book.
- At this point we do exercises 11 and 12 on page 27 from your students book.
- Lets check : Upward thrown object motion exercise example 8 on page 28.
- After checking the example, lets try this one!! :
A person standing on the edge of a high cliff throws a rock straight up with an initial velocity of 13.0 m/s. The rock misses the edge of the cliff as it falls back to earth. Calculate the position and velocity of the rock 1.00 s, 2.00 s, and 3.00 s after it is thrown, neglecting the effects of air resistance.
sol : within LINK 3 above
- Watch the following pic about Hulk, Spiderman and gravity and have a small
talk in groups or in pairs to give your opinion about the studied motions involved.
- Now we do exercises 13, 14 and 15 on page 28 from your book.
- Link : Link from the last school years with free falling motion exercises and
examples and videos helping solving this kind of problems.
- Link : Free fall motion complex problem to solve, and solution provided.
* Take a look to this cartoon and discuss whats involved in it
- To review the lesson you can try doing the following exercises on page 35 from
your book. You are also given the solutions at the following links :
- Link 1a: Uniform circular motion video to start.
- Link 1b: Visualize circular motion agains constant acceleration motion.
- Link 2: Circular motion main equation and information.
- Link 3: Circular motion teachers website with physics related to circular
- Link 4 : Circular motion experience 1 done by last years former students.
* Choose one of the following experiences to make:
- Link 5a: Uniform circular motion experience 2 to achieve.
- Link 5b: Uniform circular motion experience 3 to achieve.
You can also check the same experience as 5b here in 5c.
+ How to transform or convert degrees to radians and vice versa :
Link 4 with teachers notes about doing conversion
factors from degrees to radians and back.
- Once youve checked all the materials from this blog and you have already organized your 3 or 4 people group, share responsabilities among your groups members in order to write a general outline for giving a speech later showing your contents about uniform circular motion, linear velocity, angular velocity, differences among them and conclusions. Dont forget to give experimental data and examples to substantiate your reasons.
* If needed you can get help to collect vocabulary and structures to write your text from the quizz and all other materials provided at the blog.
- You do now exercises 16, 17 and 18 on page 30.
solutions : ex 16 and 17 ex18
- Circular motion exercise from the blackboard . Wording :
Some friends are skating around in circles holding by their hands in line. A girl
at the opposite end of the line is 12m far away from the center of the circle they
are spinning around. One girls friend is closer to the center spinning with an
angular velocity of Pi/2 rad/s and a linear velocity of 4m/s.
Find the linear velocity the girl shows at the Edge of the skating line in a certain
momento and the distance the boy is placed from the center of the circle.
*Check the solution here on these two pics :
- Make a lesson summary like this one appearing on page 31. Do it in english
language and try to use your own words.
- And now you can check on these files the steps to be followed in order to make
and design an oral presentation about one specific motion lesson issue left up
to you. On the first file you will find some help, advises and rules to write your
presentation and some important aspects to keep in mind when you make your
speech to the audience. At the second one you are provided by information and
tips in order to assess your peers presentations :
- Students pics for the MOTION ISSUE speeches :
Raúl : Foto1
Wiam : Foto1
Marco : Foto1
Adrian: Foto1
Nicole: Foto1
Anna: Foto1
Dylan: Foto1
Aida: PowerPoint 1
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