Video in english about a parallel multiforce system and how to find out the net
resultant forcé.
Website with high level exercises about parallel multiforce systems with solutions.
University level. Website in english.
Website in spanish explaining very well an example of two unlike parallel forces and
the way to work out the resultant force and the right point where it is placed.
4. Maths 3ESO Polynomials :
Website with polynomial explanations and exercises. ( )
YouTube video in english with a guy explaining how to work out problems having
work, forces, friction, energy, velocity and acceleration involved.
6. Forces : inclines, friction forces, components, angles, 2nd newton law problems.
2nd Newtons law problems with horizontal tables, with inclines, and very well
explained using vectors, angles, friction forces, tensions, drawing vectors.
It is almost 12th grade physics level but it is a nice website to check.
7. Chemistry 1st and 2nd Batxillerat:
a) Website 1
b) Website 2
c) Website 3
d) Website 4
e) Website 5
8. Números complejos : 2 nice videos ( part 1 and part 2 about an old experienced
teacher from Argentina explaining basic issues about
9. Molar mass work out from atomic mass values, estequiometric calculations.
Nice website where it is all explained with big nice photos and easy examples
accordint to 1rs batxillerat grade (11th grade chemistry ). (web in spanish).
10. Gasos exercises websites:
Link 1 to get exercises and examples about gases problems.
Link 2 "
Link 3 "
11. 1r Batx fine Chemistry material from IES Badalona VII : LINK
12. 2n Batx Chemistry material from IES Baix a mar : LINK
13. 2n ,1r ,4ESO , 2ESO ,etc Chemistry and physics materials from IES Maria
Aurèlia Campany : LINK
* 4ESO FQ blog and lot of links to chemistry webs exercises and resources : LINK
* ESO website with nice easy experiments to be done 2ESO,3ESO : LINK
* ESO several salts solubility lab experiences (solubilitat amb la temp) : LINK
15. Very useful chemistry lessons from University Carlos III in a slide html way :
16. Amazing chemistry material 2n batxillerat, whole lesson plans (educa aragon) :
17. Nice slide xtec link about sort of chemical bonds : LINK
18. Xtec 2n batx chemistry in action ( chemistry within natural processes ) : LINK
19. PAU Chemistry and Physics exams and solutions from 2000 to 2019 : LINK
20. Experiments and calculations with calorimeter (Cp i Cv ) : LINK
21. Kinetics experiments reports and instructions : LINK
22. Equilibrium complete slides : LINK 1 LINK 2
23. All lessons, files and solutions from 2nd batx chemistry IES Pius Font i Quer : LINK
24. Very nice website for PRESSURE for ESO : LINK
25. Website with booklinks and transcripts about many 2nd batx chemical issues. In
26. Bunch info in catalan iES Ramon Berenguer IV about acid-base neutralizations
and volumetrics : LINK
27. Nice webs for ESOs solution subject : LINK 1 (slides) LINK 2
28. Incredible "solucionario" physics and chemistry university level with more than
2000 pages in slides. LINK
29. Nice quick web to compress videos with less Mb and make them weigh less : link
30. Very nice blog for FQ all ESO grades , with activities : blog
31. Chemistry simulations Phet : web
32. Phet simulations science : web
33. ChemEd DL , nice web with resources and 3D molecules models you can
choose and move and see how atoms connect to each other. All composts you
want to find just writing the name in the searching bar. Web
34. Química en context-blog del departament amb aplicacions de la química a la
vida quotidiana per estudiar i explicar el temari de 2nd batx química: web
35. Buen portar de química con datos prácticos y ejemplos de moléculas : Link
Y que tiene buenos enlaces a otras webs de química como por ejempla esta
que está muy bien como temario de química en inglés : Link
36. Muy buen blog con muchos muchos recursos para 4ESO y más : Blog
37. Blog con ejers y material, ok , de mates y FQ de eso y batx : Blog
38. Webs para earth and space science :
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