7th GRADE SCIENCE : Article 19 : Weight and gravity. NEWTON.

* Activity 1.29 : Reviewing balanced forces and Newtons laws. ( 10/16/17 Monday )
1.29.a Balanced force wordsearch. ( 5 points ).
1.29.b Newtons laws review. ( 5 points ).
* Activity 1.30 : Halloween writing. ( 10/17/17 Tuesday )
1.30.a Halloween writing to spanish students (intercultural Exchange). ( 10 points ).
* Activity 1.31 : Working out forces. ( 10/18/17 Wednesday )
1.31.a Look the following web up : Work out the following forces. ( 5 points ).
( Check the example done ).
Use your chromebook to creat a table in which you work out
the value of the forces, acceleratios or masses asked.
1.31.c A truck has a mass of 15,000 kg. The driving force created by the engine
is 21,000 N. Calculate the acceleration caused by this force. ( 5 points ).
( You have the solutions there to check).
* Activity 1.32 : Gravity and weight. ( 10/19/17 Thursday )
* These are the questions to answer looking up the following links :
When you finish answering all the questions. ( 20 points ).
* Activity 1.33 : Gravity and weight test. ( 10/20/17 Friday )
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